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Posts from the ‘Tai Chi Shapes of Balance System’ Category


Shapes of Balance, what is it?


The Tai Chi Shapes of Balance system, what is it?

That isn’t a question of what you learn or practice, but how you do it.

What is your attitude? What do you want to achieve? And on which level? What skills do you want to develop?

What is essential to learning and practice for achieving your goals and dreams in a reasonable time?

How you can use your time of training wisely?

The Shapes of Balance system isn’t a set of techniques or forms of the style. The system goes far beyond the technical aspects.

Shapes of Balance system is art and science of research and learning through practical experience.

This is a strategic method of practice, learning, and teaching.

Everyone has their own personal strategy for the learning process. Some people are more effective, others are less. Some people deep think about the way of learning, others not so much.

Everyone has different dreams, goals and expectations. And different ideas how they can achieve them.

The Shapes of Balance system is my way of practicing, learning and teaching others as well, based on dozens of years of experience from daily practice, in which I’ve been all ears on, and deep reflections on the experiences from the process.

I share those experiences and thoughts with my students, friends, and others who are interested in the story for dozens of years.

I’ve been doing this in my workshops and courses for over fifty years, and I’d like to write about it a bit.